Why choose Kalinchok Security Services ?
With over 19 years of experience in the Security field, KSS is excelling itself as a leader in the industry. Only a handful of other security providers can match up to the experience, technical expertise, and the qualification that is an ever-growing repertoire at KSS. Additionally, the integration of Physical Security along with Electronic Security devices results in an impenetrable line of defense against undesired attention and entry/exit of personnel. Our security officers are guided and supervised by Ex-Army Officers to provide the best security services for our valued clients.
Kalinchok Security’s methodology has been in striking a strongly motivated and a balanced management team with utmost priority given to the employees' welfare, thus ensuring quality, loyal and dedicated service. The need to provide the entire gamut of security service is essential as requirements become more and more complex, and with the growing affluence the need for sophisticated services was seen as the obvious progression, in order to maintain an edge in a highly competitive society.
To further reiterate your belief in KSS, please visit our Testimonials sections. Look at the client’s response first-hand and you will concur that KSS is the best possible agent/advisor to partner in your security needs.
To which existing clients have KSS been providing services ?
Kalinchok Security Services considers security of personnel, facilities, property, and equipments to be of utmost importance. We cater to a wide range of customers in Nepal. Some of the major businesses include the following:
Business Complexes & Warehouses,
Embassies & Diplomat Residences,
Banks & Financial Institutions,
Hotels and Restaurants,
Hospitals and Clinics, and
Private Residences etc.
How does KSS confirm to quality asasurance ?
To maintain a full proof security of client premises, continuous assessment of the security detail and periodic upgrade of safety measures is required. It is understood that the security is concerned with physical measures designed to safe guard personnel, to prevent unauthorized access to facilities, equipments, material and to safe guard them against sabotage, damage and theft. Besides that, other factors such as the risk assessment dealing with social, political, and business sector of Nepal, surrounding of the premises, access route, existing utilities which could directly or indirectly affect the safety of the premise should also be considered while formulating an effective quality assurance methodology.
How often do clients need to keep in touch with KSS ?
KSS provides and posses Landline, Mobile Phone, Radio Communication as well as Satellite phone to ensure Command & Control. This ensures regular communication between our monitoring stations and our onsite patrols. We are well informed of any irregularities and deviations from the conformed plan of action.
We keep the clients updated on a need-to-know basis. KSS facilitates the need for clients regular updates and information, upon request or as per mentioned. As desired by our clients, all updates and communications can be mailed (electronic, or, postal); verbally submitted (telephone, mobile, etc); or provided with hardcopy print outs.
How are KSS security personnel screened ?
Since employees form the backbone of a Company, utmost attention is given to the recruitment process in selecting the candidates. This includes education, age, physical and mental fitness, previous background and experience. The records of all candidates are subjected to thorough checking after which only selection is done. The candidate selection process is finalized by medical examination.
Kalinchok Services Security personnel must be atleast 21 years of age, with a high school diploma be legally permitted to work in the Nepal. Security Guard applicants must come to their interview with a local police clearance and are then screened for criminal background checks. After deliberate scrutiny and testing, we select the best of the personnel to serve as our security personnel.
What kind of training are offered to KSS security personnel ?
Security officers attend a standard orientation first and then proceed to site specific in-house training per the certification level of officer required. Security officers then go to the client site for on-site job specific training.
Basic training involves classroom lectures, role-play exercises and specific assignment training. It is mandatory for all employees to undertake the Basic Security Training Course before deployment, which teaches them the necessary skills to perform their duties. Refresher training is also mandatory for guards which are conducted on a quarterly basis every year so as to bring the guards up to date with the current security scenario.
Special training programs are also conducted for customer's specific requirements upon their request. The training process is never ending throughout the employee's career so as to stay up to date with the latest techniques of the modern world.
How does KSS tackle confrontational and /or physical aggresion ?
Kalinchok security guards are trained Observe, Report and Support/Assist. Furthermore, KSS security guards are trained to never put their hands on another person except in cases of personal safety (to defend themselves) or life threat to a client (assist in life saving actions).
We do not have powers of arrest and will not engage in the active pursuit of an aggressor, except for the purpose of observing and reporting to the police.